by registering at reception or by telephone at 02 319 58 27
Atelier magazine (FR)
DoucheFLUX rue des vétérinaires 84, Anderlecht, Bruxelles, BelgiumPermanence numérique
DoucheFLUX rue des vétérinaires 84, Anderlecht, Bruxelles, BelgiumEcoute musicale
DoucheFLUX rue des vétérinaires 84, Anderlecht, Bruxelles, BelgiumSewing
DoucheFLUX rue des vétérinaires 84, Anderlecht, Bruxelles, BelgiumThe sewing and knitting workshops take place on Wednesdays on 100% women, when DoucheFLUX is open only to women, at the request of the women themselves. The sewing workshop is organised in collaboration with the ARC. It has many goals: to offer the joy of cultivating a hobby, the possibility of transmitting knowledge and enhancing ... Continue reading
Théâtre action
DoucheFLUX rue des vétérinaires 84, Anderlecht, Bruxelles, BelgiumSwimming
DoucheFLUX rue des vétérinaires 84, Anderlecht, Bruxelles, BelgiumSwimming Thursday from 11.30 to 14.30 Rendez-vous at DoucheFLUX Louis Namèche swimming pool (Molenbeek) Number of places limited to 6 people : sign up at the DouchFLUX reception (required) Equipment (swimsuit and cap) provided if needed Tariff: free
DoucheFLUX rue des vétérinaires 84, Anderlecht, Bruxelles, BelgiumAtelier créatif
DoucheFLUX rue des vétérinaires 84, Anderlecht, Bruxelles, BelgiumRadio ‘La Voix de la Rue’
La Voix de la Rue (The Voice of the Street, in French) is broadcast on Radio Panik (105.4 FM) once a month. It discusses issues related to poverty, chosen by the editorial team, which is made up of homeless people. The programme regularly invites guest speakers who work with homeless people, and encourages critical thinking. The aim ... Continue reading
DoucheFLUX rue des vétérinaires 84, Anderlecht, Bruxelles, BelgiumAfter a great collaboration with the Entraide de Saint-Gilles/Wederzijds Hulpbetoon Sint-Gillis, the Film-Debate sessions have had a makeover. Instead of croissants and coffee, the screenings are now accompanied by popcorn and take place late in the afternoon. Meet CinéPopCorn! This project, in collaboration with EmpreinteS and its project 'Les Toiles', takes the cinema out of ... Continue reading