
Housing First project

At the beginning of 2023, DoucheFLUX launched its Housing First project with the support of the Joint Community Commission*. This project provides access to housing for the most vulnerable homeless people.

Above all, Housing First provides housing immediately, without any preconditions (beyond paying the rent and complying with the terms of the lease). But it also provides individual, intensive and personalised support, to facilitate social inclusion and recovery, ensuring that the return to housing is sustainable in the long term.

DoucheFLUX’s Housing First team is made up of a social worker, a psychologist, an expert in reducing the risks associated with drug use, and a housing manager.

This project marks a big step forward for DoucheFLUX, as it involves taking even more concrete action in its fight against homelessness, adding its strengths to those of the organisations already active in the field, while taking a complementary approach.

* Commission communautaire commune (COCOM) / Gemeenschappelijke Gemeenschapscommissie (GGC)

Contact : Jérôme Guiot - jerome.guiot@doucheflux.be


Consult our Housing First house rules (french version) or download the complaints form (french version).

with the support of