Initiation informatics

In June DoucheFLUX and Hobo are organising an initiation informatics at DoucheFLUX. It will take place on three consecutive days and consists of: first use of a computer, an operating system, basic office application, internet…


  • From Tuesday 6 to Thursday 8 June 2021.
  • From 9.00 to 16.00.
  • At DoucheFLUX.
  • Max. 5 participants.
  • Tariff: free of charge.
  • Registration required via Serena Alba by email or by calling 0470 95 33 56‬.
  • Sandwich provided at noon time.

Info vaccination Covid-19 (25.06.2021)

Vacccination is open to:

1. Persons with a NISS/INSZ number, in certain cases also without documents!

The NISS/NISZ number is a national identification number in the population register, the register of foreigners or the waiting register. It consists of 11 figures and starts with you birthday in reverse order.

Where to find the NISS/INSZ number?

Job offer: social worker

Would you like to undertake a challenge – a social and societal commitment – and come to help people in destitution? Would you like to join our dynamic team and our booming project?

DoucheFLUX is looking for a social worker for its temporary accommodation, full time job with a fixed-term contract from 01.07.2021 to 30.04.2022. Take a look at the job offer in French or in Dutch (deadline 13.06.2021).…

Vaccination Covid-19 by MOBIVAX

© Albert Masias / DWB

This week MOBIVAX comes to DoucheFLUX to vaccinate homeless persons who wish to get the jab against Covid-19. MOBIVAX will be coming back later on. More information about that will follow.

MOBIVAX is a mobile vaccination team set up by Doctors Without Borders, Doctors of the World, the Red Cross and Samusocial. It is accessible to all homeless persons, and in particular to persons without a Belgian National Number, BIS number, Urgent Medical Aid, fixed address…