New opening hours on 01.07.2019!

The winter plan ends and DoucheFLUX has adopted a new time schedule in view of a better organisation of the services. The new opening hours come into effect on 1 July 2019.

Opening hours

  • from Tuesday to Friday from 8.30 to 16.00
  • on Wednesday from 8.30 to 12.00
  • on Wednesday from 13.00 to 18.00 for women only
  • on Saturday from 10.30 to 16.00
  • DoucheFLUX is closed on Monday and Sunday

Other modifications

psychosocial care:

  • on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30 to 12.00 for all
  • on Wednesday

Event organised by United Stages

Under the United Stages banner, the cultural organisations which have signed the charter have launched a fundraising campaign in aid of humanitarian organisations working for people who face destitution and violence. During 2018-19, DoucheFLUX is one of the organisations supported by United Stages. To conclude the cultural season, United Stages is organising a major event that will once again allow you to combine your interest in the arts with your social commitment.…

24 Hours of Right to a Roof

Droit à un toit/Recht op een dak cordially invites you to come to Place de la Monnaie/Muntplein/Muntpunt between Friday 10 May at 17.00 h and Saturday 11 May at 7.00, to participate in the event ’24 Hours of Right to a Roof’, which aims at drawing the attention of the futur regional, federal and European MPs.

There are in total 4 175 homeless people and people without proper housing in Brussels. To reduce this number to zero is actually possible… and less costly! Let’s…

Dear cyclists, dear readers…

We are starting up a new project: the Street & Read mobile library. A cargo bike will travel the streets of Brussels bringing books, coffee, tea and some biscuits to those on the street. A library that is not confined by walls and that offers a chance for a cosy chat about books and reading and anything else that people want to talk about.

To help propel the Street & Read project into reality – purchase of the bike, collection of books – we are organising a ‘constructive…

Official launch of !

On 20 March 2019, the 65 member organisations of the community will launch a digital (web) platform that offers all information relating to the needs of people in a precarious situation. helps people whether homeless or not, with poor or any means of subsistance, with or without documents to find their way through the maze of social services in Brussels, which many people don’t know exist or don’t know how to access.

The web site…