Services currently available

Update: 06.07.2021

Download the service flyer which becomes effective on 1st May 2021. You prefer to have the flyer in paper? Send us an e-mail with the required quantity of flyers.

At the day center

Not more than 15 persons at a time are allowed inside the building, whatever service they have come to use. We ask all visitors to leave DoucheFLUX immediately after using one of the available services.

Please note that on Wednesday DoucheFLUX is open exclusively to women!


All activities suspended

All activities have been suspended. Only a limited number of services are now accessible.

Updates will be communicated on this web site or on Facebook.…

Two photo exhibitions as part of Brussel Helpt

As part of Brussel Helpt, two Flemish community centres are hosting photo exhibitions related to homelessness. One is the result of inspiring meetings with four regular visitors to DoucheFLUX. The other questions the layout of Brussels’ public space, which is not welcoming for all.


Claude, Frank, Rabah & Sébastien

In February and March 2019, photographer Julie de Bellaing captured some of the daily life of Claude, Frank, Rabah & Sébastien, regular…

New schedule for the Winter Plan starting from 15 November 2019

Soon, the Winter Plan will start again. It will begin on 15 November 2019 and end on 31 March 2020. During this period, DoucheFLUX will open its doors on Sundays too.

Find out more about the new schedule in our flyer.

Would you like to receive a paper copy of the flyer? Send us an email indicating the number of flyers you would like to receive and your address.


Other modifications

Psycho-social care :

  • Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 16.00
  • Wednesdays from 9.30 to

Climbing initiation

During October en November, DoucheFLUX organises in collaboration with Rising You Club three climbing initiation sessions.

Thursday 17 Octobrer, Tuesday 5 November and Tuesday 12 November 2019 at 12.00

Departure from DoucheFLUX

Equipment provided

Tariff: free

For more information contact Serena Alba by mail or telephone 0470 95 33 56

In collaboration with Rising You Club

Download the poster for this activity
