Appeal to flea market vendors!

On Monday 21 May 2018, DoucheFLUX is holding its second annual flea market. Are you a flea market vendor/a fan of flea markets and do you want to offer some extra support to DoucheFLUX? Read here for more information.…

« Nos SDF » ressemblent à « nos migrants ». Primat du statut ou du besoin ?

Carte blanche in Alter Echos, by Laurent d’Ursel and Nicolas Marion.

Le secteur informel regroupant les associations bruxelloises qui se donnent pour mission de lutter contre le sans-abrisme (ci-après « le secteur ») fait face au quotidien à une première absurdité institutionnelle typiquement belge: selon que vous êtes ou non réfugié, demandeur d’asile ou migrant, votre sort dépend des instances fédérales ou régionales. Le statut administratif de la personne …

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Theatre lovers and DoucheFLUX supporters!

You don’t know La Philantroupe ? Born in 2008, La Philantroupe is made up of Odile and Bruno Dayez, Xavier Rolin, Pierre Scaillet, Catherine Ghion, Amandine Le Pollain, André Jadoul, Benoît Baijot, and Hortense and Hugues Dayez. Their aim? To raise funds for charity, but just as importantly to raise awareness of the associations in aid for which they put on shows and to make those shows into festive occasions. Their formula? Entrance is free, but a hat is passed around at the end… is coming soon! We need YOU to send us your reactions, suggestions, and comments.

We have just installed the beta version of the website, which aims to help destitute people in Brussels, whether or not their papers are in order, to find their way through the maze of services on offer in just 4 clicks. The site has 19 tabs corresponding to the things that the destitute people we talked to told us that they need. The twin aims are to make it easier to access the services available and, by surfing on the site, to discover services which you didn’t…