Take part in the 20 km of Brussels with our FLUXteam !

In 2023, do you want to combine sport challenge and solidarity? Support the actions of DoucheFLUX by joining the FLUXTeam during the 20 km of Brussels on Sunday May 28th!

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Fill in the form below, we will take care of your registration to the race!
  • Pay 45€ on the DoucheFLUX account (BE80 3630 2531 1077) to confirm your participation. Add the message: “20 km fluxteam registration”.

Once registered, talk about it around you, get your friends…

DoucheFLUX recognised for its work by the Flemish government

A press conference was held at the DoucheFLUX day centre on Monday 5 December. Minister Benjamin Dalle, responsible for fighting poverty, chose our premises to announce the names of the new associations officially recognised by the Flemish government as “Associations Where the Poor Speak Up” (Vereniging Waar Armen Het Woord Nemen).

The 58 recognised organisations in Flanders and Brussels are part of the Network against Poverty and Brussels Platform Poverty.…

Invitation to a listening session of “Corps sales // Ville sèche” at DoucheFLUX

This Tuesday 25 October at 6.30 pm, we invite you to a (free) listening session of Corps Sales // Ville sèche, an audio documentary in 3 episodes, at DoucheFLUX (84 rue des Vétérinaires, 1070 Anderlecht).

Why at DoucheFLUX? Because our day centre is one of the few places where people can wash today in Brussels, and an episode of the documentary was recorded there.

After the listening session, a moment of exchange is planned with the team and various actors from the field to extend…

La Philantroupe for DoucheFLUX !

This Sunday 9 October at 8pm, the Philantroupe will perform its play “Un petit jeu sans conséquence” in aid of DoucheFLUX.

The performance will take place at the Espace LUMEN, next to the Place Flagey. A hat will be passed around the theatre after the performance, and the profits will be donated in full to our association. As participation is free, the show is accessible to everyone: anyone can come and contribute, according to their means, to the total amount collected…