
Public awareness of the issues surrounding the fight against poverty is fundamental for building social cohesion and solidarity. Young people in particular, many of whom are affected by deteriorating living conditions, are increasingly concerned about these issues. However, they often repeat and accept the prejudices and outdated views they inherit from adults about social welfare systems and homeless people.

The MasterClass project, formerly known as “Meets Schools”, was started in 2011 at the initiative of a teacher committed to raising awareness among her students about the issue of destitution, and the need for every human being to display genuine social solidarity and to overcome all kinds of stereotypes and social categorisation. Confronting her students with “raw” testimonies from homeless people proved to be a successful educational tool: the students were moved by the stories they heard, reconsidered their assumptions, and actively thought about the issue of destitution. The Meets Schools project was born!

The MasterClasses are meetings organised by DoucheFLUX in collaboration with teachers and youth leaders in order to raise young people’s awareness of the issue of destitution and homelessness in Brussels, providing them with food for thought and challenging any preconceived ideas they may have. Expert witnesses, such as homeless or undocumented people, are invited to speak and are paid for their testimony. If well prepared, for example by using the educational toolkit, these meetings can be very rewarding.


  • MasterClasses are open to both schools and associations.
  • The basic package includes a visit to DoucheFLUX and testimony from one or more expert witnesses. Long-term projects are also possible (if interested, please mention this in the form below).
  • Prices:
    – basic package: € 30; support package: € 50
    – payment to expert witnesses : €15 / hour (minimum 2 hours)
  • To apply for a MasterClass, please fill in the form.
  • Download the educational kit in French or in Dutch.

Previous DoucheFLUX Meets Schools projects (in French)