Call for volunteers!

DoucheFLUX is looking for motivated volunteers to work at our front desk or in our outreach team.

What services does the front desk offer?

The front desk is often the first contact point for homeless people coming to DoucheFLUX. It is necessary, therefore, to kindly provide them with information and direct them to our various services and activities. At the front desk, our visitors can purchase tickets for the paying services and/or book their appointments for certain services, or sign a locker rental agreement and pay the fees. Other tasks at the front desk involve cashier management, answering phone calls and possibly sending emails.

Our front desk opens from Tuesday to Friday, from 8.30 to 16.00, and on Saturdays from 10.30 to 16.00. We are looking for persons with good communication skills (and if you speak several languages, that would be great!) and confident.

What is outreach work?

Outreach involves going out onto the streets to meet homeless people, keeping in touch with them, supporting and advising them, providing personal hygiene kits, encouraging them and suggesting steps to take and possible activities for them. Our outreach workers listen to homeless persons and provide them with information about services available not only at DoucheFLUX but also at all the other organisations that fight against homelessness in Brussels region.

We are looking for volunteers to carry out outreach work from Monday to Friday in the mornings. The volunteers would need to be in good physical condition, as they would have to walk more or less 10km each time, carrying on them a rucksack filled with materials. We are looking for persons who enjoy human contact, who are empathetic and who are able to listen up and keep a right ‘distance & closeness’.

Are you interested?

If so, please contact Zora, who is in charge of voluntary work at DoucheFLUX, by phone on  0470 02 41 75 or by email.

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