Needed: a volunteer physiotherapist

Photo © Toa Heftiba / Unsplash

The KineFLUX project was started by Handicap International with the aim of improving the living conditions of refugees with disabilities. It was soon extended to all destitute people.
DoucheFLUX took over the programme in October 2020. This means that the target group has been enlarged to include all destitute people who cannot access this type of health care.

Read here the job description.…

Screening dental care

© Carline LM / Unsplash

Dental care is a critical issue for homeless persons. Often, they have to wait until they are in awful pain to be accepted for dental care at the emergency services. Acces to preventive care would, naturally, be beneficial to their dental health, and their global well being.

Therefore, DoucheFLUX took the initiative to collaborate with Dentalmobilis (mobile dental cabinet) for a dental care screening project, which aims at:

  • offering a diagnose of the

Info vaccination Covid-19 (13.07.2021)

Vaccination for persons without residence permit, nor NISS/INSZ or BIS number

Pacheco (reference centre)

Boulevard Pachecolaan 42, 1000 Brussels

Opening hours:

  • July: 7/7, from10.00 to 15.00
  • August: from Monday to Friday du lundi au vendredi, from10.00 to 15.00
    (closed on 16.08.2021)

Vaccine: Moderna (2x) and Johnson&Johnson (1x)


Other vaccination centres

  • Anderlecht RSCA
  • Forest/Vorst

Annual report 2020

Would you like to know what DoucheFLUX did during that very special year 2020? Read our annual report online via this link.…

Initiation informatics

In June DoucheFLUX and Hobo are organising an initiation informatics at DoucheFLUX. It will take place on three consecutive days and consists of: first use of a computer, an operating system, basic office application, internet…


  • From Tuesday 6 to Thursday 8 June 2021.
  • From 9.00 to 16.00.
  • At DoucheFLUX.
  • Max. 5 participants.
  • Tariff: free of charge.
  • Registration required via Serena Alba by email or by calling 0470 95 33 56‬.
  • Sandwich provided at noon time.